These are Brian Schoenbaechler's ramblings, rants, and raves about his life trying to grow his Small Business.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

American Pale Ale Beer Review

As it is almost the 4th of July Holiday, I thought this review of American Pale Ales would be appropriate. The American Pale Ale distiguishes itself from English and Indian Pale Ales
by its quantity of hops and the use of American Hops versus English Hops. I prefer this style of beer which is typified by Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale. The favorite of these reviewers was:

Oskar Blues Brewery Dale's (Lyons, Colo.)
$1.30, 12 oz.
*** ½

Assertive floral and grapefruit hops aromas, clean, dry, lively and balanced.

My personal favorite is a local brew, Sweetwater 420. I plan to sample a few of these brews this weekend...... solely for research purposes I assure you.


American Pale Ale Review article from the NYTimes

Multimedia version of the article from the NYTimes


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